Saturday 29 April 2023

Colonel Quackers

Right, what’s going on here? The humans are coming. They’re normally quite harmless but as a precaution we’ll prepare to evacuate. They usually get quite close as the path is narrow. If you’re nervous, feel free to dive into the water and swim away. But try and hold your nerve if you can. It might even discourage them from approaching at all. Failing that, and if you don’t fancy dipping into the cold, there’s a concrete ledge beneath the water which is shallow enough to avoid getting your whole body in. The humans might not even notice it from their height. They might even gasp and believe that we can walk on water. Just make sure you make ripples and waves otherwise the whole canal will be disturbed. We’d like to hold this position as long as possible as it’s quite comfortable. But if the humans being out any food, the whole flock will abandon protocol.  

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