Tuesday 25 April 2023

Back to School

The road is quite narrow here but there is a small stretch of glass should something unexpected come hurtling your way. The trouble with footpaths is that the farmers tend to have a habit of moving the markers or let them be overgrown by vegetation as they don’t like you walking across their land at all. Some may even put up obstacles designed to deliberately make things difficult to enter their property, and it’s worse when you’re approaching from the opposite direction which was clearly signposted. You’ll pass a converted house on your right and two houses on your left, then just before the road reaches a wooded layby you’ll see a wooden kissing gate on the left. This path will take you around the outside of the school grounds before depositing you in the churchyard above where you started. Then all that remains to do is to roll down the hill to the pub on the main road.

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