Friday 7 April 2023

Erratic Evesham

Once again I’ve been given a dodgy postcode which points me to the general area of where I need to be but the building I seek is nowhere in question. This time, I’m in a side-road in Evesham, and I’ve received a bit of help from a colleague who’s been here before. It looks a bit rundown when you think you’re not very far from the centre of a historic market town. I guess the town grew and the streets weren’t designed to cope with modern living. People will live anywhere nowadays and they tend to live where they can afford, be it in cheap housing, large fancy estates or interesting featured properties that were once businesses. All of which need modern facilities for utilities, parking, security, and road access. Roads become access points to accommodate modern life but it’s an eyesore as the focus is primarily on the other side where the bulk of the traffic is.


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