Sunday 2 April 2023

Close Camping #dreamdiary 151

I’m off camping with a friend. We both have our own gear, and there’s very little parking near where we’re pitching the tents. He chooses to carry his gear up a massive hill, while I put mine into a shopping trolley and push it to the site. When I get there, there’s very little room to pitch because of a music festival involved, and there’s already someone complaining that they don’t have their own private area. I pitch up and start to grill burgers on a disposable barbecue then realise that I’ve left the buns at home. I head back to the house, and there’s loads of guitar bags left outside in the middle of the road. There’s a street festival happening here too. I’m then invited to watch two different chat shows at two different TV studios that are happening at the same time I need to get moving if I need to make either of them. Luckily, there’s an e-scooter for hire nearby.

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