Wednesday 12 April 2023

A Choice at Christmas #dreamdiary 152

I’ve been at a meeting at Newcastle all day. I’ve got a long train ride home and have to hope that there’s no problems with my connecting train, and I’ve prebooked a seat on an earlier service. My friend suggests a pint at a nearby Wetherspoons, but I’m a bit reluctant as it might be busy and I’ve no idea if he’s planning to catch the same train as me (in which case I’ll have to quaff quick) or catch a later one. I follow him through a crowded concourse but I’m distracted by the novelty of the Christmas atmosphere and I lose sight of him while being fascinated by people ice skating across an obstacle course and an elegant tearoom ride on the twisting deck of a galleon. I get my phone out and try to work out which is the closest Wetherspoons before realising that it may not be the one he's heading to. 

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