Monday 24 April 2023

Doctor Who: Redacted

It’s a shame that they don’t make these radio plays more often. They’re good, even if it’s a show within a show. There’s great sound effects and there’s loads of previous references for fans to engage with too. The star of the series actually takes a backseat while everything else goes to pot mysteriously, which isn’t fully explained until the final episode. There’s still time for a few jokes though. But sometimes the trans theme becomes a bit ‘in your face’ with too many overprotective characters that think themselves bigger than they are, and it’s a bit unbearable. The annoying millennial attitude is a bit frustrating to deal with too, and you start to lose support for the protagonist. The plot does get weird in places with too many coincidences. And there’s far too much reliance on mobile phone sound effects between the scenes. There’s more than one communication method out there.

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