Wednesday 5 April 2023

Jibba Jaffa

They just can’t stop making new and refreshing flavours. The manufacturers are currently trialling cherry ones. I wonder what they’d be like with a chocolate filling rather than a fruit syrup. It’s only the original ones that you can buy in giant tubes for Christmas. I find that the twin pack is usually the best value anyway, and their packaging makes them easier to store. Maybe they could grab the icing bag and put patterns on them or make a fruit yoghurt flavour. They should try to liaise with Lucasfilm to see if they could rebrand them Jabba cakes for Star Wars Day and see if they can pick up any international recognition. And if they wanted to reincarnate Aladdin, they could rename them as cakes of Jafar as one of my former managers used to refer to them. You could also tie them in with any Disney show or film that links with Hawaii because of the palm trees. You could even include action figures and Aloha music every time the box is opened. 


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