Thursday 13 April 2023

Easter Money

It’s Easter but not as we know it. Shops have radically stocked up their shelves full of cardboard eggs but no-one is able to visit anyone so no-one’s bought their usual extra gifts to give to relatives and friends. My friends are putting out messages to say how they’re combating the isolation so I’d thought I’d join and share how I’m spending my time. Here I am in urban Oxfordshire dressed up with bunny ears to bring a little cheer and humour to the homes that I deliver to. Few people can comment directly as I have to leave their package on the doorstep then ring the bell and take a few steps back to comply with social distancing. My friends weren’t too impressed. Maybe it was because I was allowed out and they had to stay at home, even though it wasn’t like I could choose where I had to deliver to.

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