Monday 3 April 2023

The Red (on) Lion

I'm not sure this platform was of any use. The novelty of it was nice and you could buy your friends a round of drinks and raise money for charity at the same time, but it wasn't an environment that was well used to meet strangers. Developers had it up and running very quickly, but most people had already cottoned onto more established platforms to meet with their friends, so it was only the lonely and those who wanted to make contact with strangers that found this useful. It was novel when we wanted to hold our formal meetings, but in the end we were paying for our own platform. You could choose to sit at the public bar, have a quiet conversation in the lounge or book your own table and invite others to join you. Members really got into it and even started asking the landlord what beers and food were being served and successfully got it drafted into the Good Beer Guide.

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