Wednesday 8 June 2022


Some people return everything, or at least they try to. They have a naïve view of what the product does and think that they can have a test go of it. There are shops that do that, but for brand new items. Sometimes you can just see the frustration. They will just tell you that it doesn’t work without giving any detail and expect you to believe them. You can’t test everything, but sometimes you can just see that this product isn’t meant for them. Others are just trying to defraud you in some way. They’ll try to persuade you that they’ve changed their mind but they’ve actually misused the product causing it to be damaged in some way. It’s the number of questions that they ask beforehand. They’re certainly not great gift givers. Maybe they don’t respect their property either. You’ve got to be a judge of people and look for the tale-tale signs.

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