Monday 6 June 2022

The Door #vampress 4

One of the men tried the door. Amazingly, it was unlocked. AS they pushed it open, they could hear a giant breathing sound, but could only see into a pitch-black interior. One of the men struck up a light and shared a torch with his fellows. The group ventured inside. They were so transfixed on trying to make out their surroundings that no-one was focusing on the exit. With a great slam, the large door closed. Instantly, the villagers returned to the door. They could not work out why the door had closed or who had closed it. Some looked around the outskirts of the door, others tried the handle while others still banged on it in vain hopes of recalling the guards outside to open it. Then the breathing became a pitch of laughter and the ground around them began to tremble. The group froze in fear then began to scout out the rest of the room.

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