Friday 24 June 2022

Missing Link

Someone’s e-mailed me an interesting article. It’s on social media, but instead of taking me to the article, I have to go through the palaver of signing into the media platform. Once that’s done, the social media isn’t interested in showing me what I came to see. Instead, it just wants me to focus on its changed terms and conditions before taking me to its home screen. I then have to go back into the e-mail and click on the link again which takes me towards the article, but guess what? It’s a link on the social media page. Then after reviewing the cookie policy, I finally get to read the story which turns out to be nothing new for me other than a shortage of ingredients to manufacture a product that I use. It might have been useful to know, but fortunately, I’m still stocked up. It’s just simple clickbait to get me to sign into another social media platform.

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