Friday 3 June 2022

Escape from Grangemouth

I started the day with a half tank of fuel. There was no way that I was going to get home on that. There was an ASDA early but I couldn’t work out how to reach it. There was a one-way system in place but I seemed to enter it through the car park and couldn’t spot an entrance to the petrol station. I didn’t feel like being a YouTube clip star this early in the journey, so I decided to skip it and sat in the car park and tried to Google another one. I decided that it was easier to head into Falkirk and refuel there then I could score some Clubcard points and hit the road straight after my canal experience. It was a lot easier to access and the whole thing took half an hour including the journey to the canal centre. I think I may have had to travel down some roads twice and spend more fuel than was necessary, but the principal of the task was completed. 

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