Thursday 2 June 2022

"A Champion is defined not by their wins, but how they can recover when they're down."

 -Serena Willams.

Taking part in a competition says a lot about you. You shouldn’t expect to win every time, but it’ll be nice. It’s not necessarily about winning a prize, it’s about reassuring yourself of your progress and comparing yourself to others and networking with them. If you lose, it’s important that you’ve got competitive spirit, and that you’re willing to keep on trying so that you won’t stay down. There’s a mental element as well as a physical one so that you can get yourself out of the pit. It’s a lot more fun when the odds are against you, but it also makes the experience harder on yourself. The key is to learn from your experience and use it in your next attempt. If you don’t win, people will still be interested to hear about your journey, especially people who aspire to be in the same field. And if you do win, it shows that you’ve mastered your game and everything in between.

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