Monday 13 June 2022

Surprising Services

I now needed to make my journey home. There was still a great distance to cover, so I thought the best thing to do was to hop on the motorway and get some miles on the clock then turn off at a service station for a hot sandwich. There wasn’t a great deal of traffic and the sun came out as I crossed the border. I managed to get as far as the Lake District before I needed a rest stop and pulled into Tebay Services. Rather than a modern lay-out of a mass car park with a large unimpressive building containing a variety of chain shops at the end of it, I drove into a circular car park in front of a one-story set of buildings. Inside was a variety of upmarket shops selling overpriced crockery and souvenirs. It was flooded with coach part groups doing their last-minute shopping. Fortunately, there wasn’t a queue for the gents, and once that was done I scouted out the food.  


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