Thursday 30 June 2022

Dancing through the Decades

This was a show put together by a local dancing school. Each song was performed by a different team which exhibited different skills. There were at least forty dances. But I wasn’t there for the performance. I was there to support my two nieces who had worked so hard on their routines to get the chance to be on stage. Unfortunately, it turned out that they would only appear in three of them. Luckily, we had a programme to help us work out when they would appear. It was obvious that some of the girls were only there for the fun, and some of them did daydream on stage a bit. And I had to cringe when the adult tap dancers came on the stage. I instantly pictured hippopotamuses in tutus. The tots were very cute though, and they had instructors to help them along the way. At the encore, I stopped counting at 150 dancers. We think we spotted a tween and a young boy amongst the crowd. It was a fair show.

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