Saturday 25 June 2022

Changing Rooms

This is the last time that I captured our traditional kitchen. It’s over forty years old and it was hand-fitted by my Dad. The colour scheme might have been a statement back in the day, but all the fixtures are beginning to fall apart now. Tiles are beginning to crumble and parts of the breakfast bar are beginning to get chipped. Apart from the faded wooden shelves and decaying cookbooks that are no longer referred to, it’s amazing how clean it’s managed to stay. There’s an ancient tin opener hanging up on the walls that now requires an effort to operate and it’s much easier to use a hands-free battery-operated one. There’s also plenty of tat mounted on the walls, mainly from my nieces who want to see it on display each time they come to visit. It’s a blend of the practical and the decorative. I wonder what will take priority when the new units are in place.

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