Tuesday 14 June 2022

Jack & the Beanstalk

Big things were expected of this production, mainly due to the time that we waited for it. As it turned out it was OK. A stand-in played the villain due to illness but you couldn’t tell the difference. As usual, the celebrities that took the headline characters were disappointing as they didn’t interact much with the rest of the cast. The giant puppet was amazing but it was a shame that it wasn’t featured more often, and there was no goose either. The dames were on form with their usual innuendo jokes that were fired early and fast to get the adults settled, but as usual there was a lot of talk and little action. The format was also predictable since it hadn’t altered from previous years. Nevertheless, the girls enjoyed it and we all rushed to our feet to join in with the songs at the end, although we weren’t singing them home.

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