Wednesday 22 June 2022

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

 -Marilyn Monroe.

Looking different is good. A flaw is what makes you unique and draws attention to you and people may wonder what your skill is to overcompensate for that flaw. But if you’re trying to hide, you may need a disguise when you’re in a crowd. It does give the rest of the world a bit of hope when a beauty icon states that beauty isn’t everything. You might think a little differently, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the ideas that you come up with are always going to be great. Being ridiculous can be fun though. You might get yourself into some interesting situations, and it certainly gives people a topic for discussion, though it may not always be in a positive light and they may not want to connect with you or agree with you. Sometimes conformity is just easier for everyone, so long as we still retain our humanity.

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