Sunday 19 June 2022

Silent Wheel

What started out as a relaxing mass of water for the birds to perch on must generate alarm as it silently begins to move. It mustn’t bother them too much though as it finds a perch on the adjacent side of the wheel. Another one, perhaps a slow sleeper, later prefers the stationary pivot. No-one dares to speak. All eyes are on the awesome structure and its quiet rumbling echoing across the hillside. The only movement is the wheel itself and its vibrations shaking across the water. Even the spectators remain still apart from the occasional shift in posture for a better perspective. The horizontal position is more interesting since it reveals the upper exit half of the wheel behind it. Its aerodynamic shape with its scissor-like hump on the circle makes you wish for it to accelerate it to cut through the air. Its slow speed is why it’s so mesmerising.

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