Saturday 4 June 2022

Mass Market Beer

Someone’s moaning about a pub company again. Personally, I’d kill for a line-up like that. I suppose if you live in the area it’s about as common as buying bread, but it’s still a great selection of beer styles from around the country. These aren’t national brands that are being showcased, and they’re not from a cluster of breweries either. Usually pubs tend to go for golden ales from the same breweries which gets boring after a while. Either that or they showcase the strongest beers at the cheapest prices which discourages the session drinker. Here, you’ve got something for everyone. I’d be happy to stay here for a session; especially if I knew what else was in the locale. Of course, most money in pubs is in through food these days, so from that perspective you’d want a cheap meal to go with your cheap beer. But it’s the basic business model of supply and demand.

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