Tuesday 28 June 2022

The Pyramid #dreamdiary 134

There's a large stone-grey pyramid in the middle of a flat sandy desert. UNIT have been abseiling on it to determine its origin. Meanwhile, Pond has commanded a squadron to explore the inside. A cave-like tunnel has opened at the corner of one side with a mixture of sand in the ground and black boulders mount the walls. It's as if the pyramid crashed on its side and the contents of it have spilled out. Amongst a series of spotlights that UNIT have set up is a sewer-sized tunnel at the end which just points up. Pond has entered through these tunnels with the smaller members of UNIT in her wake. Two things come to mind. The first is that she feels that her objective is to crawl through a network of pipes above a layer of sand which will lead to a control centre at the summit. The second is that despite the tunnel changes at different right angles, there always seems to be a gathering of natural light at each corner. Is there something in the shadows? Perhaps the Vashta Nerada are involved. Meanwhile, The Doctor has been observing weather patterns, specifically wind. He matches the pyramid’s landing pattern to a series of tornadoes and follows these to a nearby town. This leads him to a local football team who trains on an open pitch and witnesses one team member who can manipulate the local gravity fields to make footballs orbit them. 

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