Thursday 16 June 2022

Brave Things Kids Do

They like to explore and head off into the most interesting of places. The less people that are around; the more confidence they have to go and explore the area. They stand up to people that are bigger than them, especially grown-ups. They’re more likely to take risks; probably because of their inexperience; but also, they’re more likely to recover if they get injured. They’ll try out a new stunt on the playground without fear of the consequences. But what can be witnessed as brave can also be seen as risky. They stick up for their friends if they get into trouble. They fight back. They like doing more things that are new to them to decide if they like it. They might retrieve an item from their enemies that has been stolen from their friend. They have the guts to stand up and do something righteous when no-one else dares to. They may even take the fall for a friend. 

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