Monday 20 June 2022

I'm male, 21, and ideologically lean conservative. I am an aspiring fiction author/writer but I feel out of place in the writing community. I have no problems having friends with different views, but I don't feel like I fit in. What should I do?

Write. However tired or off-centre you feel, find the time to write something every day. Even if it’s garbage, you must find the time to compose and write something, whether it’s early in the morning or before you retire for the evening. You could set yourself up a little daily topic and focus on a small word count to get yourself started and cycle through these topics as the week or month passes. Doing this is a nice warm-up exercise for the day which helps you to focus more on the material that you do want to publish because you’ve warmed up through a creative flow composition. You should also find the time to read the works of others. Millions do this to conquer their fear of loneliness. As Douglas Adams said, Everyone in the universe feels some sort of paranoia that they’re on their own in the universe. Not an exact quote, but Zaphod Beeblebrox mentioned it in one of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books. Oh, and unless you’re targeting a specific political audience, political views mean nothing. You might even create more interesting writing if you develop a character that’s in conflict of these views, even if he/she becomes your anti-hero. Go write! 

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