Monday 27 June 2022

Sunset in Shanghai

Today we started our epic journey to mainland China. It would take a train, a bus, and a plane before we’d touch down on Chinese soil. Ironically, we called into a pub in our regional Chinese quarter for breakfast before the second leg of our journey to the airport. Then, once we’d established our check-in counter, we sat at the end on closed check-in counters eating M&S Christmas sandwiches. We met our guide when the counter opened as well as some of our fellow travellers. Once we’d been screened, we settled into the lounge and I decided to explore the viewing tower. It was a shame that it and been vandalised and the sponsorship had been withdrawn. Planes were landing every other minute but I had no idea where they were coming from. I wondered if I’d be sharing the flight with a bunch of chickens in cages, but I was disappointed to see that it was like any other airliner. Maybe there would be an opportunity for that later.


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