Friday 1 July 2022

Half and Half

I’m not in international waters. I may be at the airport terminal, but my toes are still on English soil. I haven’t yet boarded a plane, and even though other currencies may still be accepted, the pound sterling is still the dominant currency. So why isn’t it possible to get a half pint? It’s a legal measure. Perhaps it was the bartender’s first day in this country. Eventually, after some confusion, she had to ask her manager for clarification of what was required. All we wanted was a nice tipple to ease us into our flight. For all we knew, it could have been our last drink. It wasn’t a particularly nice bar, it was a bit bleak, black and gloomy. But because we were tied to a particular terminal, we didn’t have a whole lot of choice. We didn’t have much of a chance to nap either since we would be landing in the early evening because of the time difference.

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