Monday 25 July 2022

A Fun Descent

One novel to get back down from the wall was to ride a Toboggan. We weren’t told about this, probably because of the age of our group, but if I did do it it would mean that Mum would have to make her own way down. So we took the sensible route. Back on the ground, we negotiated the chalets full of snacks and souvenirs that were just beginning to open up. One lady was desperate to sell t-shirts but kept giving us the price in dollars. I guess they have more Americans than Brits visiting here. But we did pick up a cool snow globe with a wall inside and a keyring. We pass a cool tower and a balcony restaurant with lanterns hanging outside. In the official museum, there was even a Lego wall. Then we’re taken to lunch in a tall building with a gift shop in the bottom and a huge range of Chinese figures outside. 

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