Saturday 16 July 2022

The Office US

This was an amazing series with some novel moments. It’s nice to see a show with people that care about each other while living out their self-interests in an environment that would normally see the offender fired. Michael Scott was a character that I couldn’t stand on-screen, an idiot savant that everyone just had to put up with, just like real life. It’s weird that later on it was down to the employees to choose their new boss. Jim and Dwight were a classic entertainment combo, and their pranks were brilliant. Breaking the fourth wall was fantastic, and if there was more time I would like to have seen a passionate moment between Pam & Brian, and the world’s reaction to the characters once the documentary had aired. By following the characters throughout the show, I love how they come to evolve and the whole thing results in a great feel-good comedy, although I let that Nellie had overstayed her usefulness. They should have kept the series going a lot longer. 

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