Wednesday 27 July 2022

A Shirtless Lunch

Some of the restaurants that we visited catered specifically for groups. There’d be a huge shop floor on the bottom and you wouldn’t expect to be a restaurant upstairs but there was. The idea was that you’d be fed then the sales team would pounce on you as you found your way back down. It was shame that we weren’t allowed to go off menu, and sometimes you’d have to be quick at what was brought to the table before the good stuff went. You also wouldn’t have the opportunity to order something different as it cause a delay as it was cooked. Still, it gave you the chance to socialise with other members of the party. We visited giant souvenir outlets that shipped warrior statues, a factory outlet selling discount shirts, and a basket weaving shop. The outside of these places would always be set in glamourous surroundings and there’d be plenty to photograph, but they’d be a bit dire inside.

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