Monday 11 July 2022

Beijing Breakfast

After dinner, we decided to follow a main road towards the city. We followed a flock of people but didn’t seem to make any progress other than walking alongside a busy road of traffic and watching foreign cars speed by. In the end we headed back to the hotel bar to have a drink, but because no-one was there we decided to head back to our room. The next day, we were whizzed off by coach to see The Forbidden City. Because China was celebrating fifty years as a Republic, it was a celebratory weekend and the queues were huge as people were flocking to visit the tomb of their first chairman. We certainly gave them a sight as they were chuffed to bits that Westerners ad decided to come and visit their country. They even posed for photographs with us. After enjoying the giant ornate flower displays, we got tooled up with audio guides and were led into the square.

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