Tuesday 12 July 2022

"Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice."

-Will Smith.

If fear isn’t real, then logically it’s something to be ignored. You need to find the cause of your fear and address it before it becomes anxiety. It’s not an object that necessarily scares you, it’s a situation that you don’t necessarily want to occur. You can always distract yourself with things that you don’t fear, but you’re just wasting time. The thing not to relinquish is the ability to control the situation. If you choose to ignore it when you can take action, you’re just accepting fate and not taking ownership of the consequences. Ignoring it doesn’t make you invincible when there’s a risk involved. But it’s dealing with the unknown. You don’t know what the outcome will be. What would happen if you fail or don’t make the attempt? That’s the question that you’ve got to ask yourself and face, or deal with the consequences and the regret.

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