Thursday 14 July 2022

The Result #dreamdiary 135

I’m sitting at home in my onesie. It’s mid-morning and I’m still in bed, and I hear a rattle at the door. I decide to get up to investigate, and discovered that an envelope has arrived. I unlock the porch to retrieve it, a brown A4 envelope with a distinct smell of the outside world. I take it halfway up the stairs to examine it. It’s got my name and address hand-written in black ink with a blue second-class stamp stuck in the corner. No wonder it took so long to get here. I put my thumb under the seal and ripped the envelope open. Inside were several sheets of lined paper with familiar blue handwriting on them, with the odd red pen scattered here and there. At the top in a big red circle was the letter ‘B’. There was no covering letter but I knew that I was on track for a higher achievement than I’d ever had before.

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