Thursday 7 July 2022

Leaving on a Jet Train

The next day, we had an early start. It was so early that the hotel wasn’t able to open the kitchen for breakfast. Instead, we were each given a carrier bag containing a hard-boiled egg, a cheese sandwich, a strawberry yogurt, a juice drink and no utensils. This was so that we could get to the train station in time and have our luggage screened while avoiding the rush hour all before boarding a high-speed train. We then had an hour to kill before boarding, so after exploring the various destinations on offer and watching the guards shunt around in red bellhop hats, I bought us some coffee. Boarding was quite simple and there were only a few stops to our destination; although the journey would take a while. At one station we were able to disembark for a while and take a stroll across the platform to take selfies of the engine. We received complimentary hot drinks but we were recommended to buy lunch which was a pre-packed sandwich, but there were also hot water dispensers for people to cook dehydrated noodles.  

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