Tuesday 19 July 2022

Red Light Show

We enter a building that’s just lit up with red squares. It gives the Red Light District a whole new meaning. Inside is a standard theatre with cinema seats. There’s gongs and electric lanterns and the curtain’s formed of a banner with a picture of the cast. The stage has a stone mosaic impression and there’s a teleprompter above it. It’s a traditional Kung Fu show for tourists with actors dressed in warrior gear surrounded by emperors and senseis in long moustaches. There’s even a red dragon. We’re told to keep a close eye on the little boy but we can’t see why, even though he returns his throne outside the theatre at the end of the show. It’s a great little demonstration of Chinese acrobats, but we can’t make much head or tail of the story being told. I’m sure there’s some sort of fable to be told but we can’t quite make it out.


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