Saturday 23 July 2022

Following the Grey Brick Road

The wall was an amazing network of steps and stone that zig-zagged through the hillside. They’d even taken a leaf out of Hollywood’s book, but instead of naming the place they decided to praise their Chairman. Occasionally there was a watchtower to explore with an awkward stepping point that didn’t allow oncomers to pass. Inside were pillars while some had stone steps to ascend to the roof. In one of the towers was a canvas where you could make your mark. Luckily, we had a pen with us! Through the windows were magnificent views of the land below, though we weren’t sure which was the Chinese side. It did seem odd that we were just left on our own to roam, and it was only the time constraint of our group that stopped us from attempting to cross the rest of the country. Some of the steps were very steep though.

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