Sunday 17 July 2022

Onwards and Upwards

The edge of the walkway is lined with people and our guide is desperate to get us to the top of the hill. We’re all trying to keep up but then one of the old dears takes a fall as she’s misjudged a step. Once we’re all caught up and have established that there’s no injury we carry on to the top of the tower where we’re allowed a glimpse inside one of the tearooms. Then it back down the other side of the hill where we were collected for lunch. While it was settling, we got taken to a calligraphy museum where we were given a lesson in Chinese writing. We learnt how every stroke has a different meaning and we wrote a few phrases followed by our names with ink and a paintbrush. Then we purchased our zodiac animals in ornate tiles before getting some rest for our next big expedition.

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