Friday 8 July 2022

Step Slips

My Dad wanted something to scrub the kitchen floor with and came across a slipper-type cloth made of latex that you cover your foot with so that you could clean just by scraping your foot across a laminate floor. I found a listing for one on eBay, and decided to get him a pair as a joke present for Christmas. The trouble was that it came from China. When it arrived, I didn’t check the contents of the package; I just wrapped it up. When we opened it, it was a good quality sponge with a blue coating and looked just like a washing-up glove, only shaped for a foot. The only problem was that there was just the one slipper included. I checked the listing and it said nothing about a pair, it was just an assumption I made. We had to wait another three weeks for the second one to arrive before he would try it out. 

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