Wednesday 20 July 2022

Hunting #Vampress6

The ground began to shake. Something big was definitely pacing the room. Each man began to panic. They decided to draw together since they could hear each other in the hope that they could see each other and help to defend themselves against this unseen danger. ‘It’s wet, it’s wet’ cried one of them. ‘But it came from above. It’s warm too.’ What was in the room with them? One of them shouted ‘I’m off the ground’ and they never heard from him again, despite repeating his name several times. Then they ran. They didn’t know where they were going, and they had to listen out and grab for each other as they ran in case they attracted too much noise. Occasionally there’d be a shriek as one man disappeared from his partner never to be found again. One man managed to hold on for a while, but all that could be heard after was a thud.

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