Tuesday 30 April 2019

Cloud King

As the cloud king ascended the steps to his throne, he turned around and looked back at the world that he was about to leave behind. As he paused to rest his arm on the ramparts, he turned to look at his friend below.
‘Are you sure you don’t want to join me?’ he said. ‘The adventure’s going to be greater than what’s going on around here. There are great opportunities for development. You get to travel all over the globe as often as you like without the need for airports; and you can also put the world to rights by spreading karma to wrong-doers.’
‘But what about the folk you’re leaving behind?’
‘Well, there’s too much worry for that. Becoming elemental is a lot less bothersome; and if your family can carry on without missing you too much then it’s a win-win situation. It’s time to get blown away.’

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