Tuesday 2 April 2019

From snores to smells

The problem that you have while staying as a guest as other people’s houses is abiding by their rules. What’s the appropriate time to get up? Can you get away with raiding the kitchen for a cup of tea? What’s the one rule that they’ve asked you to put up with to have a friendly stay with a happy host? My friend must have thought me mad when I explained about the faulty toilet and the jug we use to help objects go down. he also helped the following morning with clearing the drive after the snowstorm that we had. But he did get revenge on us by supplying the most startling snores when he dozed off that night. He also managed to bring his unique sweaty dog smell into the room as well. The towels that he brought with him only made it worse; though we should have made it easier for him by supplying a guest towel. His bedsheets were put into the washing machine the minute he was gone; but his smell inhabited my car for quite some time. Eventually I discovered that he’d left a pair of hiking boots underneath his passenger seat, which I mailed back to him in time for Christmas.

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