Friday 5 April 2019

The Stern Glance

Annoying, isn’t it? You wait at the bar while the barman chats to one of his friends. He disappears (presumably for some maintenance reason) then a person who arrives next to you with a menu gets served straight away. Your barman then comes back and after staring at some paper on the wall (which I’m guessing is the rota showing when the breaks are and when the fit girls start work) starts to serve at the other end of the bar. The only way to get around it is to give him a stern glare. That way, he knows that you know what he’s been up to and you’re about ready to complain. He then shouts his apology across from the other side of the room and asks you to yell your order across to him. But in this instance I’m not too bothered. I’ve already cheated them out of a quiz in expired discount pint vouchers.

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