Sunday 21 April 2019

Escalator Man

Some people enjoy riding buses. Others enjoy riding trains. But one man sets out every Saturday to take in the experience of riding the escalators. He doesn’t fit them; he doesn’t test them; but he marvels at the sight of them. Dressed in a pair of chinos and a pale blue shirt, he travels the shopping centres of the world to test out each escalator. He’ll visit every department store without buying a thing just to ride to the very top and come back down again to the basement (though occasionally he does stop for a bite to eat and the food court; as long as he can use his loyalty card). He never rushes and always holds onto the handrail; enjoying the clickity-click of being transported from one floor to another. If one’s broken down, he’ll make a note to come back and try to ride it again. If one’s under repair, he’ll stay as long as possible taking pictures until it’s in motion again or until he’s asked to move along. You might even go so far as to say that he’s got one at home.

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