Saturday 27 April 2019

Space Travel

I’ve always wondered that if I jump straight up into the area while everything around me is moving, I will land in a different position to that of where I took off from. I’ve tried it on a quiet evening train where I can just straight up in the aisles, but I always land in the same place. Science will tell me that because I’m already travelling inside the train at the same speed, I will be travelling at the same velocity no matter how high I jump. I suppose that if I stood on top of the train and jumped; it would be a different matter because of the air resistance against me. As I’m unlikely to fulfil that opportunity, I’ll have to pay more attention to the movies. In the meantime, I could try it out at the gym on a running machine; though I’ll have to wait for a quiet session and hope that I don’t break the machine or damage myself in the process.

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