Saturday 13 April 2019

A Naughty Night #Titannabell 3

It had been a busy week back at the castle. The end of school was fast approaching and both families were preparing for a royal wedding. On top of their regular classes; Julian and Olivia were taking extra lessons in history and hospitality in preparation for their new lives together. Julian hadn’t actually proposed; the princess-to-be had come home one night to find a hand-written note pushed under her door stamped with the royal decree and sealed in a wax envelope. And she hadn’t replied. Everyone had just assumed that she had just accepted the proposal. She had seen less and less of Julian in her downtime. The last week of school was to be a flurry of exams followed by the royal wedding on the first day of the school holidays. The whole class was invited and were looking forward to blowing off some steam. But Olivia was in a bit of a dilemma. She loved the castle and growing up alongside royalty and she’d made some close friends. But she wasn’t sure that she loved Julian.

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