Tuesday 16 April 2019

Longing for the Lickeys

When I was a lad we’d often go and explore the Lickey Hills; a country park on the south side of Birmingham. We could catch the train to Barnt Green; cross the road; follow a footpath past a row of country houses and we’d be at the foot of the hills. From there, it was a good twenty-minute walk to the top up a muddy footpath past felled trees which became more of a mountain bike trail as we approached the summit. At the top would be a visitor’s centre complete with toilets, a café selling ice cream, beverages and snacks as well as a picnic area outside. There was also a model of the park; though at that point we’d get tired of exploring and just go and play on the nearby adventure playground then walk back down the hill and catch the train back home. My old man had it in his head that there was also a golf course, bowling green, and a duck pond; though we never worked out where they were.

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