Tuesday 23 April 2019

Hanging Out at Halfords

It was time for the car’s annual inspection. I’d booked an afternoon slot without a service as it had already been in last month for a tyre change. I finished work, and because school was out it would be easier to get into the garage to drop it off early and get it done. It was a very busy garage, and I just about managed to slide the car into the very last space right next to their advertising sign. The check-in was easy enough, and once I’d handed the keys over I snuck off for a pint while I waited; followed by a slice to soak up the booze. When I came back, I was glad to see that the car was in the garage, which meant that they’d actually done something. The same assistant handed the paperwork back to say that there were no problems apart from hot pipes; which is only because the engine was still warm when they tested it. Then it was a quick handover on the forecourt, and apart from managing to spill oil on the windows (there was a car next to mine that was on a raised lift), it was nice and simple.

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