Sunday 28 April 2019

Message in the Mirror

I’ve been trapped in limbo for a long time now. I know not of how I got here; I know only of my being. There is very little means of escape in this cold, compressed world. I’m forced against a window, devoid of all movement and my only motion is to look out into the reality beyond. My only hope is to send a message to the other side. In deep water it’s never revealed as the bottom of their world must come first. After all, there’s the land which they haven’t fully explored. But in the shallow where they dare not tread in fear of greasing their feet lies herein my greatest hopes. Here I have a chance to capture their eye and hope that for one moment that someone must take a risk and frisk their way into our unknown plane. Who will spot the difference between worlds? And who will come forward and try to cross between them?

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