Friday 19 April 2019

A Bit of Space

It’s a bit difficult when you want to head back from a night out to have to answer questions when all you want to do is curl up in bed and fall asleep. Where have you been? What have you seen? If you get the chance to come back early, you get the full Spanish Inquisition which isn’t easy if you’ve had a few. The only alternative is to head back to the local pub and ride it out until you’re sure that the lights are out. It might seem like the hard way to some but it’s easier than having to slur the truth as you attempt to climb the stairs to bed while being watched after an onslaught of questioning. It’s important to have a space to escape from the everyday routine; not only to reflect but to offer a change of course if one so desires. It might be a corner or a room but people need to respect the space that others need.

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