Thursday 11 April 2019

Should I Stop?

When we’re being taught to drive; we’re taught to keep moving as much as possible. If we see a stop sign; of course we’re taught to stop; not necessarily at the sign but before the line itself. But stop signs themselves are very rare in the UK nowadays; and usually they’re only seen in the countryside at blind bends. It’s because of the rarity of them that we don’t always come to a physical stop; instead we just slow down at these junctions and creep out. And even if a vehicle approaches we still edge forward to see what’s past that vehicle; unaware that we’re creeping over the line. But it’s when we don’t stop is the moment that we become the most hazardous and we force other drivers to react. Have we got enough time to enter the flow of traffic or will we force the oncoming driver to brake for us?

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