Monday 15 April 2019


It’s nice to just sitting in the house with the window open a crack with a bit of fresh air coming in alongside the sound of some birds chirping. Of course, you’ve got to encourage the birds to be there in the first place. In any urban environment they can flee at the first sound of a revved engine. So you’ve got to encourage them to stay by providing an environment that they can be safe in. By providing a little hideaway that they can call in and rely on for food and water, they can help keep your house chirping. But there’s larger pests that are out there to steal the food from you. That’s why it’s good to have both quiet and a shelter at the same time. In the winter when we had snow and hail, I forgot to top up the bird food. Hopefully they’ll forgive me and I haven’t put them off visiting our little garden. 

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